Friday, May 06, 2005
"Creative Retirement" ~ Elderlings, Take Note!
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal suggested that most neighborhoods throughout the country lack resources for folks beyond the age of 65.(May 5, 2005) --
Although new research by AARP reveals that "the country's neighborhoods, housing, and community services aren't well-equipped to handle the needs of older residents" in the Greater Asheville area, we are an definite exception to that conclusion. Our area ranks among the top places in the country for creative, and I am saying CREATIVE retirement. " You don't hear 'out to pasture' here unless you want to," said Peter H. un-retired executive.
"The degree to which your house and community meet your needs as you age determines whether you experience good aging or bad aging," says Elinor Ginzler, director of AARP's livable-communities initiative. And here in the Greater Asheville area, we agree!...
On behalf of AARP, Roper Public Affairs and Media conducted a survey of elderlings which found that and a solid 87 percent of survey respondents who report high levels of community involvement say they are satisfied with their lives, while only 56 percent of those with low community involvement say the same. "Our Center for Creative Retirement based out of UNC Asheville helps us to stay connected and involved," added Pete H.
Check out THIS link:
If you are looking for an "un-retirement" , second or vacation home that will be sensitive to your quality of life needs, and you are of the "un-retirement age" , please contact
Although new research by AARP reveals that "the country's neighborhoods, housing, and community services aren't well-equipped to handle the needs of older residents" in the Greater Asheville area, we are an definite exception to that conclusion. Our area ranks among the top places in the country for creative, and I am saying CREATIVE retirement. " You don't hear 'out to pasture' here unless you want to," said Peter H. un-retired executive.
"The degree to which your house and community meet your needs as you age determines whether you experience good aging or bad aging," says Elinor Ginzler, director of AARP's livable-communities initiative. And here in the Greater Asheville area, we agree!...
On behalf of AARP, Roper Public Affairs and Media conducted a survey of elderlings which found that and a solid 87 percent of survey respondents who report high levels of community involvement say they are satisfied with their lives, while only 56 percent of those with low community involvement say the same. "Our Center for Creative Retirement based out of UNC Asheville helps us to stay connected and involved," added Pete H.
Check out THIS link:
If you are looking for an "un-retirement" , second or vacation home that will be sensitive to your quality of life needs, and you are of the "un-retirement age" , please contact