Thursday, January 12, 2006

...a few thoughts at the beginning of this new year...
Build something new in that empty space.
Erect a scaffold on a stage,
Create the scenery, and then collaborate
On a glorious production.
And when, in just a little while,
The project is complete,
Take down the scaffold that you once needed,
And carefully regard your naked creation. . .
Then, in good time, dress it in new way of thinking,
Wrap it in novel relationships between image and meaning,
And dance into the mysteries and assets
Of all you can imagine,
For here, your dreams can take you well beneath the surface,
Where the nighttime blends with bits of yourself and your history,
And star-songs singularly attune to your very soul,
And you can bring forth solutions,
Turn “stumbling blocks” to dust
Beyond the bone-hard edges of wrongly perceived limits.
Good medicine hands swing the sword of pure possibility.
There is no reason to resist breathing the light of your life
Into this place, for it abides by the Laws of the Whole and the Laws of the Wild,
Where truth is found in strangeness and blessings often are disguised.
Asheville, Winter