
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Asheville Real Estate 

Asheville Real Estate Journal

Asheville, NC real estate board is on top of the trends!
The Asheville Board of REALTORS®
has created a first of it's kind educational program…


ECO - Environmental Consultant

The Asheville Board of REALTORS® has created a Certification Program for environmentally conscious REALTORS®. It will allow REALTORS® to obtain an ECO Certification. ECO stands for Environmental Consultant. REALTORS® who obtain the ECO certification undergo a significant training program (36 credit hours) in order to better prepare themselves to consult with their clients on environmental issues affecting their real estate transactions.

Our own janeAnne is a charter member of the ECO Task Force who created this opportunity and is one of only nine people nationally who hold the ECO designation.

The ECO Real Estate Consultant can offer certain features to clients that benefit the client and the community.

Here is a short list:

BENEFIT: Energy and environmental information and tools that can provide additional positive impetus for smooth and healthy transactions.

STUDIED KNOWLEDGE AND AWARENESS of land, land trusts, preservation, stewardship, green home programs like Energy Star Qualified Homes, energy-efficiency, and sustainable design.
BENEFIT: Real Estate professional is abreast of the newest topics in real estate on the cutting edge of interest for clients.

BENEFIT: ECO Real Estate professionals offer practical tools/resources to help sort through issues such as mold, radon, and poor indoor air quality, and offer clients references/resources who can provide real solutions to real challenges we all meet.

BENEFIT: A client base of ECO-minded consumer folks is unique. Most communicate intelligently and with dedication and appreciate the efforts of their REALTOR® to service the environmentally-friendly market. The ECO Real Estate professional who knows about and is interested in the value of energy efficiency, environmental technologies, reduced liabilities, and sustainable design in real estate has the opportunity to establish a genuine dialogue with clients and this has long-range benefits for all concerned.

janeAnne ECOinvest@janeAnne.com

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