
Friday, July 28, 2006

Asheville Real Estate Journal Healthy Homes and Environment 

Asheville Real Estate Journal


City Council agreed to establish a citizen’s advisory committee on energy and the environment to assess ways the City can be more sustainable in there own operations and promote green practices and green building throughout the City. So, the SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE was born.

As an ECO certified consultant and REALTOR, I couldn't be morepleased. Please feel free to send a quick email to council (all of their e-mail addresses are here http://www.asheville.nc.us/council/council.htm ) to let them know that you appreciate this action and you hope Asheville will become a leader in energy conservation and climate protection.

If you want to read the council’s discuss on the topic go here


We applaud community members who have been asking the City to move forward with initiatives that 1) will benchmark the City’s greenhouse gas emissions and 2) create a goal and a plan to reduce those emissions. If you would like to become involved, you might want to check out the activities of The Clean Air Community Trust (see link below)…

The mission of the Clean Air Community Trust is to improve air quality through innovative programs that educate, energize, and empower the communities of western North Carolina:

1. To return visibility to natural conditions thus create a community with healthy air.
2. To initiate everyday activities and events that reduce global warming and air pollution.
3. To serve as a public resource for air quality information and education.
4. To partner with business, industry, local government, schools, other institutions to create innovative models to achieve clean air.


Here's to stewardship of your wellness in your home and on the land!


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