
Friday, August 10, 2007

A Few Green Concepts, Raw Land & ECO-friendly Asheville 

***This is NOT news: Green building concepts have changed the way we design, construct, operate and generally think about land planning and development, our homes, our communities. Eco-friendly, value-added features attract people, so demand is on the rise. In 2006, builders gave Asheville, N.C. about 30 energy efficient and/or NC HealthyBuilt® homes. In 2007, however, over 400 such homes are in progress, a market trend also apparent in the Atlanta area.
This IS something to think about: With the explosion of interest, new questions arise. How, for example, does one go about green-building without building over the green?

That’s the question that started an eye-opening conversation with the talented botanist consultant, Kevin Caldwell.

Kevin knows how to incorporate green-planning based on ecology into your current living spaces, and/or he can advise you on how to build a green home on raw land. He knows what to look for in terms of a land plan. You can tell right away that this 6’6” pillar of information loves his work. There’s a twinkle in his eye when he describes it—the botanical, wildlife, and natural community inventories, the Section 404 Wetland Delineations and Section 7 Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species assessments he performs. If you want to hear first-hand stories about

Old Growth forest delineation, ecosystem management and restoration, re-vegetation, and invasive species removal, Kevin’s your man. So when I got to go along with him while he was doing a landscape-level assessment of intrusive and native species, I was delighted. Our conversation took place on a knoll overlooking a valley one sunny morning not long ago.

read more about my conversation with Kevin in my monthly column in the New Life Journal

A Conversation with Kevin Caldwell

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