Thursday, August 09, 2007
Just a Few "Earthy" Investment Thoughts

What if you just landed here on Earth and were
looking for opportunity in investment property?
What "kind" of land would attract you?
a) agricultural land
b) rural land
c) urban land
Let's say you could leave your footprint upon Terra Firma.
How would you plan to establish it and watch it turn into something special?
Maybe you would be like this little "green" guy who grew up on a farm on a faraway galaxy. You are interested in agricultural land. You head out with a vision to create a working farm, maybe your brother will develop co-housing facilities, and you will live in a sustainable eco-village. You love good food. So you decide to grow and supply organic crops and dairy products.
On the other hand, having come all this way in life in a crowded space craft, you now yearn for a private estate where you can set aside 1,900 of 2,000 acres of rural land. You want to hang out in nature, ride around on a horse,create a trail system for equestrian pursuits.- You will probably restrict use on 100 acres of such a parcel for a nature-education center so that other cosmic-environmentalists can get the Earthlings up-to-speed on how to take care of their planet.
- OR... Maybe too much nature kind of scares you. You don't really like all those noisy winds. You are an urban land kind of person. You want to design techonolgically-advanced systems in a LEED certified "green" office building.
THIS is another in the series of Featured Articles at Active Rain.
continue reading my BLOG at Active Rain here
Labels: acreage, active rain BLOG, green investment, green-o-lina, horse farms, j LEED, N.C. LAND, real estate, stewardship, sustainable trends