Sunday, August 12, 2007
I Feel Blessed

Picture yourself on a typical "work"day …
Rolling pastures, and Appalachian “countryscapes” dotted with red barns,, white steeples, and greening crops that mean a supply of locally-grown food, border singing streams that bring a smile to your face, and the “wake up” calls of roosters actually may surprise you at any time of day. Surprises are fun.
It is wonderful. . Country breezes bring aromas of newly mown hay. A rigorous walk through the pasture might be at hand. Good exercise. (see photo ) .
There’s a sense of history in the air, too. According to Wikipedia, “prior to the 20th century, the people of Appalachia were geographically isolated from the rest of the country. As a result, they preserved the culture of their ancestors (most of them Scottish, Scots-Irish, Irish, German, and English) who settled the region in the 18th century. The region's culture includes a strong oral tradition (including music and song), self-sufficiency…” .
"Self sufficiency.” Yep, that’s you. You’re in your hiking gear and so are your clients who are practically bubbling with enthusiasm, just like the cascade you point out as you drive on.. . They love the land (and so do you.) They love the all the animals, especially the horses (and so do you.) . They love riding in your car with the top down.
Maybe you’ll have to step over rocks to cross a stream, climb some granite outcropping, sit for a story or two with the farmer on a screened in porch by her perennial garden. . And at the end of the day, the gem having been found, offer on the way or not, you feel that certain sense of satisfaction that arrives when you are at home with what inspires you.
Talk about "right livelihood"! As a REALTOR® who specializes in acreages with improvements such as stables and farm homes the short list of 10 above just begins to describe my day. I feel lucky and blessed to have such experiences. I happily will share with you.
Labels: acreage, asheville real estate, energy efficient homes asheville, green real estate, green-o-lina, horse farms, stewardship, sustainable
Friday, August 10, 2007
A Few Green Concepts, Raw Land & ECO-friendly Asheville

That’s the question that started an eye-opening conversation with the talented botanist consultant, Kevin Caldwell.
Kevin knows how to incorporate green-planning based on ecology into your current living spaces, and/or he can advise you on how to build a green home on raw land. He knows what to look for in terms of a land plan. You can tell right away that this 6’6” pillar of information loves his work. There’s a twinkle in his eye when he describes it—the botanical, wildlife, and natural community inventories, the Section 404 Wetland Delineations and Section 7 Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species assessments he performs. If you want to hear first-hand stories about
Old Growth forest delineation, ecosystem management and restoration, re-vegetation, and invasive species removal, Kevin’s your man. So when I got to go along with him while he was doing a landscape-level assessment of intrusive and native species, I was delighted. Our conversation took place on a knoll overlooking a valley one sunny morning not long ago.
read more about my conversation with Kevin in my monthly column in the New Life Journal
Labels: asheville green real estate, green building, green-o-lina, land planning
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Just a Few "Earthy" Investment Thoughts

What if you just landed here on Earth and were
looking for opportunity in investment property?
What "kind" of land would attract you?
a) agricultural land
b) rural land
c) urban land
Let's say you could leave your footprint upon Terra Firma.
How would you plan to establish it and watch it turn into something special?
Maybe you would be like this little "green" guy who grew up on a farm on a faraway galaxy. You are interested in agricultural land. You head out with a vision to create a working farm, maybe your brother will develop co-housing facilities, and you will live in a sustainable eco-village. You love good food. So you decide to grow and supply organic crops and dairy products.
On the other hand, having come all this way in life in a crowded space craft, you now yearn for a private estate where you can set aside 1,900 of 2,000 acres of rural land. You want to hang out in nature, ride around on a horse,create a trail system for equestrian pursuits.- You will probably restrict use on 100 acres of such a parcel for a nature-education center so that other cosmic-environmentalists can get the Earthlings up-to-speed on how to take care of their planet.
- OR... Maybe too much nature kind of scares you. You don't really like all those noisy winds. You are an urban land kind of person. You want to design techonolgically-advanced systems in a LEED certified "green" office building.
THIS is another in the series of Featured Articles at Active Rain.
continue reading my BLOG at Active Rain here
Labels: acreage, active rain BLOG, green investment, green-o-lina, horse farms, j LEED, N.C. LAND, real estate, stewardship, sustainable trends
GREENis Red Hot

another in the Featured at Active Rain series
"So, tell me," my silver-haired client with a printed copy of my article from janeAnne's Blog on Trends in hand asked, "I have read in Barron's , but I want to know what you, my REALTOR thinks....Is it true that there really is a trend toward green building these days?"
She continued by way of explanation, " You see, I am 72 now. I am on a clock. If there's a trend, then maybe there are more green builders around who could help my family and me." Yes, my friend. There IS a trend toward designing, constructing, and operating high performance "green" buildings.
And yes, too, more and more, developers are enrolling in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) classes to learn how to select environmentally responsible locations, reduce the negative impact on natural surroundings and benefit you with a healthier indoor environment.
LEED promotes a "whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in five key areas of human and environmental health: 1)sustainable site development 2)water savings 3)energy efficiency 4)materials selection 5)indoor environmental quality
"Finally! It's about time," she cheered. "My daughter and I are thrilled. We have heard about the whole system approach. Could you tell me about the LEED rating system," she continued with a smile. "You see, we were looking into buying a new home where I could have my own quarters and my daughter and husband and the twins all could live.But I didn't quite understand about the LEED rating system the builder mentioned."
Labels: active rain BLOG asheville real estate brownfields green green-built green-o-lina janeAnne LEED montford restoration grenn-o-lina stewardship sustainable trends, green real estate, LEED certified, nc
Tracking GREEN Trends

another in the Featured at Active Rain Series
Just the other day, an old-timer in the building industry, known for his no-nonsense ways took me aside. "So WHAT if the Green Building Council says that LEED-certified buildings are leading the transformation of the built environment," he said. "So what if they have lower operating costs, and tax rebates, zoning allowances, and other incentives ! What does that mean to me? " "Well, Mr. Jones," I replied, "When I put my 'green' glasses on and look down the 'trend tracks'...and I say this knowing that you currently may not align yourself with green building issues... chances are high that you will be meeting up with a demand by your customers who are hopping on board with the trend . Do you think it might be timely for you to capitalize on your potential to be an ‘industry innovator'?"
So, I have been thinking about this a good bit lately . Come to think of it, from any number of a REALTOR®, investor, or stake-holder, now could be the perfect moment to ride the rails into the future. Certainly, everyone could expect a positive outcome. At the very least, what a pleasant way to attract and enjoy new business opportunities. And here's what. There are about as many shades of green as you see in the early light on an Appalachian mountainside. And our levels of attraction, commitment and motivation are unique to each of us. ...For example, When you evaluate a home, do you ask yourself, "How many miles per gallon does this home get?" ? How about energy resources? Durability? Low impact on nature? Health for you, your employees, your family? As AR member William Robbins remarked in his piece on Ways I Am Trying to be Green " I am no 'tree hugger' and I am not claiming to be the most energy efficient individual, but I am working on it....I am getting educated and passing info along to home owners and friends...from Energy Star appliances, Low VOC Paint, renewable resource building products like Bamboo Flooring, etc.
to continue reading and comment go here
Labels: brownfields, green-built, LEED, trends
Classic Asheville Neighborhood, Montford

The Montford Neighborhood ~ Asheville, N.C. ~A Community Embracing a Sustainable Future.
MONTFORD: Where one picture tells the story.
The MONTFORD NEIGBORHOOD in Asheville, North Carolina: Historic and Happening!
Here is a neighborhood of about 300 acres that expresses a rich diversity of architectural styles, most constructed between 1890 and 1920.
Montford, like its residents, is a place of complex overall character.. .Romance and history are in the air, so expect to " feel" the artistic influences. Even residents of other neighborhoods in and around Asheville find themselves drawn to Montford.
Maybe you will see them strolling down a tree-lined boulevard. Maybe you will notice how often they stop to gaze at the majestic homes that grace the streets There are wondrous architectural details including those from such trendsetters as Bruce Price, Bernard Maybeck, the prominent Arts and Crafts architect, and Frank Lloyd Wright. The Arts and Crafts style made popular in Asheville by noted society architect, Richard Sharp Smith, supervising Architect to Biltmore House is well-represented here in Montford.
According to the National Park Service, "Smith's preference for pebbledash, shingles, high-pitched roofs and heavy stone foundations contributed to an overall form for the neighborhood.
to continue reading please follow this link
Labels: asheville real estate, green, green-o-lina, montford, restoration grenn-o-lina, stewardship, sustainable